The SM150 Soil Moisture Kit provides an affordable and easy-to-use tool for obtaining reliable moisture measurements with minimal soil or substrate disturbance.
The kit comprises an SM150T* Soil Moisture Sensor, a dedicated HH150 Moisture Meter and a carry case. The cable and connector are watertight – an essential requirement for potentially wet environments.
The HH150 Meter displays volumetric water content (% volume). Please note that although the SM150T Sensor has a built-in temperature sensor, the HH150 Moisture Meter does not measure or display temperature.
*The SM150 Kit was previously supplied with the SM150 Sensor, but now comes with the SM150T Sensor.
The HH150 hand moisture meter is lightweight and is very easy to use, being a readout-only device (no data recording or PC complications). Operation is simple – just insert the SM150T into the soil or substrate and press the Read button to make a reading.
The SM150 Kit comes with substrate calibrations for perlite, coir, peat, and mineral wool, as well as soils – providing a rapid, rugged solution for checking the uniformity of growing conditions for many types of growing media.
The SM150T is easy to insert and install – its sharp pins minimise soil disturbance and preserve the original soil structure around the measurement rods.